Wednesday, January 12, 2011


I wanted to dedicate this post to introducing our families, since they are some of the most important people in our lives. but we'll just stick to mostly immediate family or else this could take a week or two.... and once again, since im the 'blogger' i go first :)

my parents are so awesome, i always love hanging out with them!

just a little eyebrow plucking....
Allana playing with Papa T's big toys!
Uncle Barry 

Me and my big brother Barry
My sister Amber, Kevin, Allana and Ellery 

Me and Allana
Zacy and Allana at the 'ponies'!!
Allana and Ellery bein goofs!
feeding Ellery a bottle at the children's museum. our favorite place ever!!!
My sister Charlie, Tim and Toni

Charlie and Toni

Toni on her second birthday! 

Charlie and Tim doin their hunting thing...

Travis and Garrett and our cousin Corinne 


Travis and his friend Summer
My little brother Travis
And the youngest boy Garrett

Garrett at his 8th grade graduation