Monday, December 13, 2010

wedding (part 5 almost done!)

me and garrett - my littlest brother
and lastly onto the reception! like i said before, it was supposed to be outside like the rest of the wedding, but we decided to change it the night before when we were freezin our TOOSHIES off at the rehearsal dinner. but everything turned out PERFECT! huge thanks to everyone, i wish i could have done more setting up and decorating and everything but i had to get my hair done like 4 hours early so i thought i would avoid being late... yeah didnt happen....
the wedding party gettin their groove on

yes, we had confetti EVERYWHERE - and no, i wont go into details... 
zachary and his mama
me and my little(big) bro travis

dancin with danny, zac's high school friend


zac's grandma Barb made and decorated the cakes for us, i absolutely LOVED them!!!!!

wedding! (part 4)

ok FINALLY the ceremony!! ha ha so teri (zac's mom) had this awesome idea that i could make a grand entrance on a convertible corvette so i had my sister charlie's husband HOOK US UP!!! and the best part - zac and my mom had no idea ha! i loved the look on their faces :) priceless.

seriously, it was coldddd!
HA HA love it :)
at least the boys behaved for the ceremony! ha

funny story about the confetti -  my mother saved up all of the three hole punches from all of the colored paper at her work (for like a year im sure!) and gave everyone a handful after the ceremony. we had no idea about this lol as you might be able to tell by our faces...

wedding (part 3!)

and on to the ladies! we didnt take as long because it looks super nice outside but in all reality, it was FREEZING!!! SOOOO windy! so we actually ended up moving the reception to the stake center, which wasnt my first choice, but it still turned out wonderful! and all my girlies were so awesome helping set up and making everything look pretty :)

this is my big sister Amber and my maid of honor
big sister charlie
my friend tara from high school
alex - friends since 5th grade!
kayla, my good friend from my university ward
kim - also great friend from university ward

with my parents - troy and dena
all of my parent's children and grandchildren
yes.... that is RED hair on BOTH sides of the family!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

wedding (part 2)

alright so apparently the groomsmen had a BLAST taking a billion pictures! again, if you dont yet know my husband this will be another glimpse of his personality! i love all the goofiness of the boys and of zac's fam (they will be combined) i absolutely love zac's family! they have always been so welcoming to me and my family also, i feel like i fit right in and it was so awesome to meet alot of his extended family, im honored to be a Thomas :)

i totally love this - meg really captured the personality of the boys here!
Zacy and his brothers - love this one!
thats more like it.....
his parents, nate and teri

had to do a silly one, of course!